Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Business Tips for the Small Business Entrepreneur


Below are some of the best business tips I was able to quickly put together and share.

To be successful in business, you need to not only now what to do, but you need to know how to do it, and you’re most likely going to need to do everything yourself in the beginning. I’d definitely recommend learning as much as you can, as often as you can, and then putting what you learned into action.

You can never be too smart in business. Enjoy the information.


Don’t just waste your time putting together content that no one is going to see. If you’re investing the time, do it right by writing with the intent to get your articles ranked by search engines.

To get your article ranked, you need to know what works, and then you need to follow the road map for success. Instead of me making this super difficult and hard to understand, I’m just going to lay out a super easy road map for you to follow to get your articles ranked by search engines.

  • Use a title that includes your keyword, or better yet, keyword phrase, for the topic you want to get your article ranked in
  • Start the title with the keyword, or keyword phrase, that you’ve selected
  • Make sure you use the keyword, or keyword phrase you selected in the first sentence, in the middle of the article, and then in the last sentence
  • Include the keyword you selected in your header and sub-header tags

And above all, don’t overdue it with your keyword, or keyword phrases that you include in the article. The idea in utilizing these tips is to help get your article ranked by search engines, not penalized, so be sure to make your article reads naturally and fluently.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

YouTube Marketing: A Small Business Guide

As my series on using social media marketing platforms to market your small business comes to a close (check out past installments on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn), we arrive at what is possibly the most niche platform in terms of content: YouTube.

If you want to use YouTube to market your small business, you’ll be creating videos, plain and simple. While this seems obvious, it’s worth noting that while social platforms like Facebook lend themselves to creating, posting, and sharing a variety of types of content (videos, images, long-form text posts, short updates, and so on), creating content on YouTube means you’ll be investing your time in video production and video production only.

This note isn’t meant to dissuade you, but rather to point out that a strong interest in creating video content is necessary before jumping into YouTube. Don’t just start a YouTube channel in an effort to take advantage of all possible forms of social media marketing if you aren’t actually interested in making videos. The process of creating videos is time-consuming and has a bit of a learning curve, so make sure that this platform is one you really have time for and interest in.

With that out of the way, let’s get started.